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Proposal for parity between rural job wages, minimum wages put on hold -Elizabeth Roche Rural ministry wants SAMe parameters of rate change in MGNREGS as state wages New Delhi: The rural development ministry has put on hold a recommendation by a high-level panel constituted by the previous Congress-led United Progressive Alliance government for parity between the wages paid under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) and the minimum wages set by different state governments. Rural development secretary Amarjeet Sinha on Wednesday said the...

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Crop prices: The pulse of producers -Vivek Deshpande

-The Indian Express Israel Khan grows arhar as an intercrop in alternate rows with soyabean and cotton. Amravati: Israel Khan from Dhamori, Nandakishor Babhulkar from Mhaispur, Arun Shende from Rajura, Amol Savai from Naya Akola, and Salim Shah Baba Shah from Pusda — all villages in Amravati district — have the SAMe story to tell. As farmers of arhar (pigeon pea) — a crop in the news not too long ago...

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Traditional paddy helps strike gold in the time of drought -S Kumaresan

-The New indian Express PUDUKKOTTAI: Drought, unseasonal rains, wilting crops, soaked harvest, suicides and clamour for compensation. These are the words that one associates with farming these days. However, amidst the gloom, a woman farmer, who refused to give in to the vagaries of nature, is a beacon of hope for the distressed. While paddy crops in various districts were damaged, A Gandhi, from Sundarappatti, who cultivated traditional paddy on her...

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In 2016 stubble was burnt in over 2L hectare land: HARSAC

-Outlook India According to the Hisar-based Haryana Space Applications Centre (HARSAC), the area in which stubble was burnt in 2016 was more than what it was in the previous two years and the SAMe as 2013 Chandigarh: Stubble in over two lakh hectares of land was burnt last year in Haryana despite the state government cracking the whip on farmers who defied orders restricting the practice. Crop-residue burning had led to air pollution...

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The crisis in sugarcane is shaping politics in western UP's Jat belt -Shoaib Daniyal The falling viability of sugarcane in the fertile Upper Doab is a portent to the tough times India’s farm sector could see in the future. In Mundet Kalan, as dusk sets in, villagers get together for some chatter, passing around a large wooden hookah. The village, located in Shamli district of western Uttar Pradesh, is dominated by land-owning Jats – who are angry at almost everything around them. “Jaton ke saath bahot...

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