-PTI Many of Jharkhand's immigrant women labourers are lured by touts into becoming domestic workers in cities and are often reduced to bonded labourers. KHUNTI: Her eyes sunk deep in their sockets, Suggi Mundain stares blankly at the wall of her bare-bones hut, her vacant gaze speaking of a once happy family torn apart by grinding poverty, and telling a societal tale of migration and exploitation. The 60-year-old, her face wrinkled beyond her...
If India Produces More Foodgrains Than It Needs, Why Are People Still Starving? -Aditi Goyal
-TheWire.in It is set law that procedures cannot impact vested substantive rights – and the right to life and correspondingly, food, is the most substantive of all rights. “After a prolonged decline, world hunger appears to be on the rise again”, claims a report titled ‘The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World (2017)’ by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the UN. Nowhere is this more true than in...
More »Roughly one-third of offenders who committed online harassment were unknown to their victims, shows recent LIRNEAsia report
Good news about digital inclusion often leaves little room for reporting on bad experiences, which netizens encounter in the digital world. A recent report by LIRNEAsia – an ICT [information and communication technology] policy and regulation think tank working in the Asia-Pacific – says that almost one among five Indian netizens in the age-group 15-65 years had faced online harassment in 2017. In contrast, roughly twelve out of hundred internet...
More »Modi govt's ad spend could feed 46 million children mid-day meal for a year -Shreya Raman
-Business Standard/ India Spend The BJP-led government spent Rs 4,880 crore ($753.99 million) on advertising its flagship schemes in the 52 months between April 2014 and July 2018 Mumbai: Midday meals for 45.7 million children for a year. One day’s wages for 200 million workers under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MNREGS). About 6 million new latrines. And at least 10 more Mars missions. These were some of the things...
More »Govt announces Rs 10,000 crore connectivity plan for NE states -Pankaj Doval
-The Times of India GUWAHATI: With the national elections just a year away, the government on Saturday announced a mega investment and connectivity programme for the north-eastern states, entailing inflow of nearly Rs 10,000 crore through over 400 programmes expected to be rolled out in the next four years. The investments relate to enhancing the telecom infrastructure in the state, apart from setting up BPOs, boosting electronics manufacturing, giving a push to...
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