-The Indian Express Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra and Delhi are expected to see the biggest jump in cases by the end of this month. UP tops the list with 1,19,604 projected cases by the month-end, almost five times the 20,439 registered on April 15. The ongoing Covid surge is expected to peak in mid-May, with the daily count likely to reach 5 lakh, and may subside by June-July; heavily populated states are at...
Farmers’ Protest: Civil Society Members Ask PM To Initiate Dialogue, End Deadlock -Kusum Arora
-TheWire.in The letter also appealed to the Samyukt Kisan Morcha leadership, the umbrella body of various farmer unions, to respond positively to the government’s invite if it is extended. Jalandhar: Urging the Centre to end the deadlock in the ongoing farmers’ protest, renowned intellectuals from across the country have written a letter to prime minister Narendra Modi and Union agriculture minister Narendra Tomar to invite the farmers for dialogue ‘immediately’. Civil society members...
More »Delhi, UP, Gujarat, Haryana oxygen demand outstrips supply; PM Modi holds crisis meeting -Harikishan Sharma , Deeptiman Tiwary and Kaunain Sheriff M
-The Indian Express Records show, the demand for medical oxygen has increased by 18 per cent over the last six days across 12 states, which account for 83 per cent of active cases in the country. With four of the states worst hit by Covid battling a critical shortfall between demand and supply of oxygen in their hospitals, prime minister Narendra Modi told officials during a high-level meeting Thursday to ramp up...
More »How China contained virus: There are lessons for India in its centralised planning, local action -Shruti Jargad
-The Indian Express The central leadership led by President Xi was quick in acknowledging this effort of the “first line of defence”. It made provisions for the benefit of the workers like subsidies, provision of health equipment, insurance, publicity, and other institutional support. In his address to the nation on April 20, prime minister Narendra Modi made exhortations for the youth to form small committees to ensure adherence to COVID-19 restrictions. He...
More »The second wave questions that need urgent answers -Kaushik Das Gupta
-The Indian Express Is the government postponing the use of the Rs 35,000-crore allocated for vaccine development in the current Budget? Has it been shy in using its good offices with the US to intercede on behalf of the country’s vaccine manufacturing companies? This time, last year, India was under a lockdown announced by prime minister Narendra Modi in a televised address during which he issued several messages of caution. He talked...
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