Total Matching Records found : 3935

Gender Pay Gap in the Formal Sector: 2006-2013   The report entitled: "Gender Pay Gap in the Formal Sector: 2006-2013 -WageIndicator Data Report (Preliminary Evidences from Paycheck India Data)" aims at quantifying the magnitude of gender-based disparities that women face in the organized sector of the Indian labour market, and track their progress over time. The extent of the gender pay gap is measured on various parameters such as age, educational qualifications, industry, work experience, designation, level of...

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India does better in Climate Risk Index for 2012 -Nivedita Khandekar

-The Hindustan Times India was ranked 46 in the Climate Risk Index (CRI) table for 2012, a position definitely better than 18, the rank that it had in the period between 1993 and 2012, a report released at the Conference of the Parties on Tuesday said. But even with 1,168 deaths (in 2012) as compared to 3,141 deaths on average per year (between 1993 and 2012), India continued to be ranked...

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60 lakh cases not registered every year

-The Hindu The Supreme Court, which on Tuesday ordered compulsory registration of First Information Reports, noted that the burking (suppression) of crime might itself be in the range of 60 lakh cases every year. Quoting figures from the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), a five-judge Constitution Bench, said: "Registration of FIRs leads to less manipulation in criminal cases and lessens incidents of ‘antedated' FIR or deliberately delayed FIR." The NCRB figures showed that...

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Diabetes stalks rural areas too, camp finds

-The Hindu Chennai: Out of 1,550 persons screened for diabetes in a few rural pockets in the city's western suburbs, 78 persons (5 per cent) were detected with diabetes, 191 (12.3 per cent) with high blood pressure and 202 (13 per cent) with high cholesterol levels. Among the 78 diabetics - 36 men and 42 women - eight were aged between 20 and 30. Persons in the age group of 20 to 82...

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Scaling up agroecology: A tool for policy-Shiney Varghese

-Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy Blog For those who see agroecological approaches as necessary for achieving the food, health, and environmental targets of post 2015 agenda, agroecology is not only central to maintaining ecosystem integrity, but also to realizing food sovereignty of those involved in food production and consumption. IATP's new report, Scaling up Agroecology: Toward the Realization of the Right to Food, begins from five principles of agroecology, presents examples...

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