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RTI Chief on Democracy and Bureaucracy by Krishna Pokharel

Wajahat Habibullah, India’s chief information commissioner, has a towering task. He sees to it that the government gives its Citizens information they ask for under the 2005 Right to Information Act, a position that effectively makes him an umpire astride India’s mighty bureaucracy and messy democracy. He is retiring later this month after five years in office—that’s how long the RTI law, which allows Citizens to demand official documents, has been...

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Flood situation still grim in northern India

Fresh reports of the possibility of a breach in the Tajewala barrage have created panic among the people in the low-lying areas. If there is a breach in the barrage then the national capital could face another serious flood-like situation. The reports of a possible breach have come after more than 2.5 lakh cusecs of water had been released from the Hathnikund Barrage in Haryana on Monday, which resulted in many...

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India's progress on Millennium Development Goals found tardy

Despite some movement in primary education, assured rural employment and access to potable water, India continues to lag behind in realising the Millennium Development Goals set for 2015 by the United Nations, says a new report. Persistent inequalities, ineffective delivery of public services, weak accountability systems and gaps in implementing pro-poor policies are major bottlenecks to progress, said the country report on India pertaining to the Millennium Development Goals. It...

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Rural employment scheme may come under CVC ambit by Rahul Chandran, Ruhi Tewari & Utpal Bhaskar

The Union government plans to empower the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC), which currently oversees the work of state agencies and state-owned companies, to investigate complaints against its flagship rural jobs scheme. The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) promises 100 days of annual work to one member of every rural household. CVC currently has to route complaints about irregularities in the scheme’s execution to a state chief secretary or the...

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KEY TRENDS   • Section 105 of the Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in the Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013, which provides for excluding 13 Central legislation, including Land Acquisition (Mines) Act 1885, Atomic Energy Act, 1962, Railway Act 1989, National Highways Act 1956 and Metro Railways (Construction of Works) Act, 1978, from its purview, has been amended for payment of compensation with rigours $ • The amendments have now...

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