-Outlook Good monsoon or bad, glut or drought, boom or bust...it’s always fair weather for the range of middlemen who come between the farmer and consumer. An anatomy of the trade. One of the axioms of logic is called the Law of the Excluded Middle. Something has to be either true or false—there’s no middle ground. As we all know, economics works a bit differently. Facts can be fickle, data pliable, and...
Is WPI useful in India anymore? -Barendra Kumar Bhoi
-The Hindu Business Line Using just wholesale price index as deflator could distort real GDP. Price indices for all inputs and outputs would work better Prior to the introduction of the all-India Consumer Price Index, popularly known as CPI combined (rural plus urBan), the Wholesale Price Index (WPI) was the most useful price index in India. It measured the weekly rhythm of price movement in the country. Since 2009, WPI has been computed...
More »NoteBandi to bazarBandi - India's cattle farmers stare at ruin -Dhrubo Jyoti
-Hindustan Times First came demonetisation. Then, as Banknotes slowly returned to circulation, a crackdown on illegal slaughterhouses in the state wrecked the local market for cattle. In Ilyas Khan’s eyes shine the pride of a grand past that give way to the clouds of an uncertain future. Two decades ago, the Thursday cattle market he runs in western Uttar Pradesh’s Banat saw traders troop in from faraway Delhi and Bihar. Today, the...
More »Banks have no liability for loss of valuables in lockers: RBI -Hary M Pillai
-PTI RBI says do not expect any compensation for theft or burglary of valuables in safe deposit boxes of public sector Banks as the locker hiring agreement absolves them of all liability New Delhi: Do not expect any compensation for theft or burglary of valuables in safe deposit boxes of public sector Banks as the locker hiring agreement absolves them of all liability. This bitter truth was disclosed in an RTI response...
More »Why didn't Madhya Pradesh farmers gain from farm growth? -Abhiram Ghadyalpatil
-Livemint.com Madhya Pradesh farmers are unhappy that outsiders are misled by claims made by chief minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan Indore, Harda, Mandsaur (MP): Ghanshyam Singh Pipawat, 45, a farmer from the Ujjain district of Madhya Pradesh, has a question for Prime Minister Narendra Modi. “When Modi declared noteBandi, he said this would be the last time people will have to stand in line. Then why am I standing in a 2-km-long line to...
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