-The Hindu In a fit of candour quite uncharacteristic of those holding high office, CBI Director Ranjit Sinha said on Tuesday afternoon what everyone knows to be the truth about the autonomy and independence of India's premier investigation agency. "I am a part of the government, I am not an autonomous body," he blurted out when asked for his reaction to the Supreme Court expressing its disappointment and anger at the...
Make the CBI accountable also to the court, a Parliament committee and NHRC
-The Economic Times The Supreme Court has pulled up the CBI for misleading it on whether the agency had shared its status report with the government. Indeed, there can be no excuse for misrepresenting facts to the apex court. The Additional Solicitor General who told the court something that he knew to his personal knowledge to be false and the Attorney General who did not make amends must both go. The...
More »Rules against chit funds stuck in Delhi-Amit Gupta
-The Telegraph Ranchi: Sluggish economy and soaring personal aspirations are teaming up to create fertile ground for quick-rich chit fund schemes and non-banking finance companies such as the now-infamous Saradha to mushroom, but rules to give Jharkhand investors the much-needed safety net are hanging fire since over a year. Jharkhand Assembly had early last year forwarded rules framed by the state's institutional finance department for the President's consideration under The Chit Funds...
More »CBI team to peruse deposit scam details
-The Telegraph Guwahati: The CBI is sending a team to Guwahati on Tuesday to "screen" the cases registered against fraud deposit collecting companies in the state. Press adviser to the Assam chief minister, Bharat Chandra Narah, told The Telegraph, "A CBI team will reach here on Tuesday to examine the cases and after that, we will start the formalities of handing over the cases to them." "This shows the seriousness with which the...
More »We should liberate CBI from interference, says Supreme Court -J Venkatesan
-The Hindu Ranjit Sinha says CBI is part of government, not autonomous The widening sinkhole that the coal scam has become claimed its first victim on Wednesday as Additional Solicitor-General Harin Raval resigned for having misled the Supreme Court, while CBI Director Ranjit Sinha?brought the executive and the judiciary to the verge of open confrontation by stating that his agency was not an "autonomous organisation" but part of the government.? The CBI, which...
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