-The Indian Express Chief Minister Raman Singh has said the Cabinet has approved the “Chhattisgarh Auxiliary Armed Police Force Ordinance 2011”, and added that the report has been sent to the governor for his assent. Stating that the new force is being raised keeping in mind Special Police Officers (SPOs), local tribals, who are engaged in anti-Maoist operations, Singh said over 5,000 SPOs will be inducted into the unit, which will...
A war has broken out in some parts of east-central India, especially some regions of the Dandakaranya forests that span across the states of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Orissa, and Andhra Pradesh. Reportedly, there are thousands of Maoist guerrillas armed with sophisticated weapons confronting a vast array of paramilitary forces assembled by the government of India. Caught in the crossfire are millions of poor, marginalised and historically isolated adivasis. Their habitat, in which...
More »NCPCR visits Posco project site, stunned by the presence of cops by Nageshwar Patnaik
A three-member of team of the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights led by Dr Yogesh Dubuey on Monday visited the proposed Posco steel plant site near Paradip and made an on-the-spot investigation into the alleged use of children by Posco Pratirodh Sangram Samiti (PPSS), an anti-displacement forum in the protest blockade for more than three weeks. The team also visited Badagabapur transit camp and interacted with members of...
More »Where no sunlight goes by Nikhil Dey, Aruna Roy
If actions speak louder than words, then the government has just spoken loud and clear. There could be no stronger indication of the government’s lack of serious intent in building an effective anti-corruption regime than the decision to remove the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) from the purview of the Right to Information (RTI) law. Without any discussion in the public domain, the government has decided to use Section 24 of...
More »New Govt portal Data.Gov.In launch next month to ease information search
-The Economic Times All public data-from that on glacier meltdowns to monsoon charts to benami land--will be freely available at the click of a mouse with the launch of a national data portal next month. Modeled on US chief information officer Vivek Kundra's Data.gov.us project, the science and technology ministry's portal-- data.gov.in--aims to democratize data, and make the government more "open". "We plan to launch data.gov.in by next month. Once the National...
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