Introduction The phenomenon of disability is one of the pressing problems in the world. According to the projections of international agencies, about 10 per cent of the population are affected with physical, mental, sensory and other forms of impairments and around 75 per cent of the disabled population are concentrated in the rural and inaccessible areas of the developing societies. This data is based on recent studies carried out in various...
Science and the layman by SL Rao
Governments and people have to make choices about accepting new scientific developments into their daily lives. Many attribute high levels of objectivity and integrity to scientists, which is not true of many of them. Scientists have been known to manipulate results to their advantage. Scientific issues are often complex, there are differing views among scientists and the layman finds it difficult to decide which scientific course is harmful or beneficial....
More »Child undernutrition in India is a Human Rights issue by Karin Hulshof
Despite a booming economy, nutrition deprivation among India’s children remains widespread. “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.” So begins the Universal Declaration of Human Rights established 60 years ago and celebrated today around the globe. This year’s theme is non-discrimination. When it comes to nutrition, all of India’s children are not equal. According to India’s third National Family Health Survey (NFHS-3) of 2005-06, 20...
More »It’s an obstacle race for Human Rights panel, says S.R. Nayak
The functioning of the Karnataka State Human Rights Commission has been rated as “satisfactory” by its chairperson, S.R. Nayak. This, however, comes with plenty of riders. If the commission is working, it is despite non-cooperation from the State Government in providing adequate staff and space and, worse still, active efforts by government representatives to bring discredit to the commission by indulging in “ill-conceived, motivated and misleading” attacks. Addressing a press...
More »India Maoist conflict 'affects children's education' by Chris Morris
The ongoing conflict between Maoists and government forces is disrupting the education of India's most marginalised children, a rights group says. In a new report Human Rights Watch has urged the rebels to stop attacking state-run schools. It has also asked the government to instruct its troops not to use school buildings as part of their operations. The rebels are fighting for communist rule in many Indian states. Over 6,000 people...
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