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The Anna Hazare phenomenon by RK Raghavan

The right step would be for Manmohan Singh to visit Jantar Mantar without further loss of time to persuade the Gandhian to call off his fast, and also explore a compromise. Jantar Mantar in New Delhi is a hot favourite of the average tourist in the summer season. As the temperatures soar this year, the monument is drawing even greater crowds, mainly to savour the electric atmosphere generated by a 72-year-old...

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Satyam and PwC are fined in US for accounting fraud

Satyam Computer Services and its former auditor PricewaterCoopers (PwC) have agreed to pay a combined $17.5m (£10.7m) in fines in the US after one of India's biggest corporate scandals. Satyam, an outsourcing company, will pay $10m for falsely reporting more than $1bn in profits over five years. The company's chairman Ramalinga Raju admitted to the fraud in 2009. Satyam's shares were indirectly traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) as well as...

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Cash transfers and food insecurity by Kannan Kasturi

Distribution of basic food grains and fuel at controlled prices every month through the Public Distribution System (PDS) could be the largest service provided by the Indian State, touching as it does over 65 million families through a network of nearly half a million retail shops. Given that the urban middle class has little stake in the health of the PDS, there have to be some compelling reasons for the...

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Hazare fast threat clouds mood change

The 73-year-old social activist Anna Hazare has decided to go on a “fast unto death” from tomorrow at Jantar Mantar in Delhi to fight corruption, fuelling concern in the Manmohan Singh government at a time the cricket team’s World Cup victory has lifted spirits. The government is worried because it feels that dissuading Hazare this time will be difficult as he had put off his fast on March 5 on the...

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Securing food for an emerging India by Rana Kapoor

The world population is estimated to reach nine billion by 2050. The Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) estimates that global food production needs to increase 70 per cent by 2050 compared to average 2005-07 levels to feed the rising global population. Clearly, a large part of the consumption will happen in India and China; which would require an additional 1.6 billion hectares of land to be brought into cultivation compared to...

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