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China has pulled ahead of India on far more than the economy -Niranjan Rajadhyaksha In economic terms, it’s around a dozen years ahead of us, but the gap is much larger when social indicators are considered The spectacular rise of China over the past few decades has no parallel in human history. The People’s Republic of China was established 70 years ago this month under conditions of economic misery. It is today the main geopolitical challenger to the US. As a result of its profound...

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In the national media conference, media practitioners take pledge to uphold positive values in digital communications

-Press release of 4th All India Media Conference, dated 8 October, 2019 Udaipur, Oct. 8: More than 300 media practitioners, researchers, scholars and educationists from different states of India and from four foreign countries took a pledge to empower the underPRIvileged sections of society by ending the digital divide and create new opportunities to highlight the issues of common people, rural areas, landless labourers, malnourished children and farmers affected by climate...

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Growth lessons India can take from new frontrunner Bangladesh -Jayanta Roy Chowdhury

-The New Indian Express What changed the terms over the last few years from when India was the toast for global business and Bangladesh was an also ran? NEW DELHI: India has not only lost its tag as the fastest growing economy, it is even lagging behind its former 'poor cousin’ Bangladesh, which grew by 8.1 per cent last financial year as against India’s 6.8 per cent. Similarly, while India’s growth forecast...

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Odisha: Braille press gets machine to PRInt HS books -Hrusikesh Mohanty

-The Times of India BERHAMPUR (Odisha): Visually impaired Plus II students can look forward to Braille text books, as well as literary works in Odia, from the next academic year. The Red Cross Braille Press here — the state’s only Braille press, which has been supplying text books to schools for the past 33 years — will be able to PRInt text books for Plus II students thanks to the installation...

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'Give states the power to fix seed PRIces, royalties' -KV Kurmanath

-The Hindu Business Line The seeds regime should protect farmers’ interests, says Alliance for Sustainable and Holistic Agriculture Hyderabad: The Alliance for Sustainable and Holistic Agriculture (ASHA) has called for a seed regime that would protect the farmer’s right to breed, select, save, use, exchange, distribute and sell seeds. The regime should also encourage agro-diversity to ensure sustainable agriculture and resilience to climate change stresses. Referring to reports on the proposed amendments to...

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