-ThePrint.in For a family of five, the monthly thali cost jumped up from Rs 4,700 in 2015 to Rs 6,700 in 2022 for a lighter diet. Inflation, particularly food inflation, has been centre stage not just in India but globally. Despite moderation observed in India’s June 2022 inflation print, food inflation continues to stay in the uncomfortable zone of 6 to 8 per cent since the start of the year. How does...
Cereal inflation would be hard to tame amidst low rice acreage
Is India going to face inflation in Cereal prices during the rest of the current financial year? Experts differ on this. An analysis by Nomura Global Economics and CEIC finds that a below normal monsoon does not always translate into high retail inflation in food. Similarly, an above normal southwest monsoon does not always bring down the rate of food inflation. However, some agricultural experts (please click here, here and...
More »Willing to ‘feed the world’ by summer, India may have to import wheat come winter -Sayantan Bera
-ThePrint.in With wheat prices soaring, the government may have to slash import duty and impose stock limits, say traders and analysts. New Delhi: Rising wholesale and consumer prices of wheat may push India to allow imports of the staple food item in a few months’ time. If India turns importer, it will be a drastic reversal — from desiring to ‘feed the world’ in the summer to battling a shortfall by winter. Compared...
More »Prices of Food Items Rising Unchecked… -Subodh Varma
-Newsclick.in …while the government continues to remain clueless. By the end of June, wheat and flour prices were on fire with an incredible 10% inflation rate, according to the latest data available with the ministry of statistics and programme implementation (MoSPI). That means prices were 10% higher than in June last year. Just six months ago, in January, the inflation rate for wheat was 5.1%—uncomfortable but not yet lethal. This devastating rise...
More »Govt mulling various steps to rein in wheat prices -Subramani Ra Mancombu and Prabhudatta Mishra
-The Hindu Business Line Food Secretary tells millers the Centre may release stocks under OMSS or lower import duty Taking a serious view of the 10 per cent surge in wheat prices since June-end, the Centre is considering various measures to bring down the prices—from releasing the cereal under the open market sale scheme (OMSS) for user industries to lowering the import duty to zero. Please click here to read more. ...
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