-The Indian Express For India, the latest report has blamed an environment of intimidation created by BJP supporters for any critical journalist, who, the report said, is marked as “anti-state” or “anti-national”. While India has not slipped further on the World Press Freedom Index 2021 published by the international journalism not-for profit body, Reporters Without Borders (RSF), however, it continues to be counted among the countries classified “bad” for journalism and is...
The pillars of an equitable post-COVID India -S Mahendra Dev
-The Hindu In the post-pandemic world, addressing inequality is key to sustaining growth and well-being COVID-19 in the last one year has once again reminded us of the growing inequalities in India. A recent Pew Research Report shows that India’s middle class may have shrunk by a third due to the novel coronavirus pandemic while the number of poor people earning less than ₹150 per day more than doubled. The Pew report...
More »Why public employment is crucial for a healthy, equitable society -Jayati Ghosh
-Scroll.in Greater public employment ensures better deliver of public services to citizens. This is an excerpt from the sixth edition of the India Exclusion Report, a collaborative effort involving institutions and individuals working with a shared notion of social and economic equity, justice and rights. The report seeks to inform public opinion around exclusion and the role of the state and to influence policy-making towards creating a more inclusive, equitable and just...
More »The anatomy of a stock market bubble staring India in the face -Vivek Kaul
-Livemint.com Easily buyable shares, a gush of cheap money and a burst of speculation have over-inflated prices On 18 December, the price to earnings (PE) ratio of the Nifty 50 stock market index reached an all-time high of 37.84. This was around 87% higher than the average PE ratio of 20.26 since 1 January 1999. The PE ratios of the Nifty 50 and other broader indices continue to remain at extremely high levels....
More »Firms show increase in profits even as sales fall -Vineet Sachdev
-Hindustan Times The average PE (price earnings) multiple of Sensex companies , which measures the price of a stock as a multiple of its earnings per share, has risen to 31.49 in the current month, the highest since 1998-99 . The BSE Sensex, India’s benchmark stock market index, reached an all-time high of 44,825 on Wednesday, November 25. There is reason to believe that speculation and external tailwinds, rather than strong fundamentals,...
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