-Down to Earth Thrice GoI has returned Punjab’s proposal of giving Rs 2,500 per acre to small, marginal farmers even as they demand Rs 6,000 per acre As many as 361,850 Small and Marginal Farmers in Punjab did not receive state incentives for stubble management in the last one year due to paucity of funds. The northern state’s request for financial stimulus to pay this incentive was turned down by the...
Are we witnessing depeasantisation in Indian agriculture?
The newly released Situation Assessment Survey of Agricultural Households and Land and Livestock Holdings of Households in Rural India (NSS 77th Round) establishes the fact that the farm households are more and more relying on wage incomes instead of 'net incomes from crop cultivation' for their livelihoods. In Marxian lexicon, proletarisation (a term that we can loosely use for depeasantisation) refers to the process in which the farmers/ tillers are...
More »UN Food Systems Summit marginalizes human rights and disappoints, say experts
-United Nations Human Rights Office of The High Commissioner GENEVA 22 SEPTEMBER 2021: On the eve of the Food Systems Summit, UN human rights experts are deeply concerned that the event will not be a “people’s summit” as promised. They are worried that the Summit will instead leave behind the most marginalized and vulnerable people. According to the three human rights experts, who were involved in the Summit preparation, “The Summit claims...
More »Southern states had a higher proportion of indebted farm households in 2019, shows NSO survey
The Situation Assessment Survey of Agricultural Households and Land and Livestock Holdings of Households in Rural India (NSS 77th Round), which was released recently, informs one about farm households' income in the crop year 2018-19 and indebtedness in 2019 (as on the date of survey), among other things. Prior to the recent report, Land and Livestock Holding Surveys (LHS) and Situation Assessment Survey (SAS) of Agricultural Households used to be...
More »Tackling India's structural vulnerability in agriculture -Sushma Vasudevan and Aparna Bijapurkar
-The Hindu Business Line A sustainable collectivisation of agri produce and marketing, through Farmer Producer Organisations, will help the highly fragmented agriculture sector realise its full revenue potential. It is widely known that India’s agriculture sector has a challenge of lack of scale. Around 80 per cent of our farmers are small and marginal, with less than two hectares of land. Farmer Producer Organisations (FPOs) have been posed for years as the...
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