-The Hindu The RBI has estimated a 7.1% inflation rate for the July to September quarter India’s retail inflation touched 7% in August, up from 6.71% in July, fuelled by a 7.62% pick-up in food prices paid by consumers, even as industrial production growth in July had dropped to the lowest level since April at just 2.4%, with output levels dropping 2.75% month-on-month. This is the eighth successive month that retail inflation...
Monetary Policy Alone Inadequate To Tame Inflation -Dr. Amar Patnaik
-NDTV.com At a time when Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation has remained above RBI's upper tolerance level of 6% for seven consecutive months and the WPI inflation rates are at the highest levels since January 2007, it is good that the issue was finally discussed in parliament and the RBI's recent rate hike signals recognition of the concern. However, during the debate in the parliament, the Treasury bench largely took a...
More »Bank credit growth accelerates to 14.2% in June quarter
-PTI/ The Hindu RBI says credit growth has been broad-based, outpacing deposit growth Bank credit growth accelerated to 14.2% in the quarter ended June 2022 from 6% in the same period of the previous year, RBI data showed on Thursday. In the quarter ended March 2022, bank credit had expanded by 10.8%. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on Thursday released the 'Quarterly Statistics on Deposits and Credit of SCBs for June 2022'. This...
More »Expand food security coverage to benefit more needy persons, SC tells Centre
-The Hindu Bench asks Centre to re-determine NFSA coverage after considering population increase between 2011-2021 The Supreme Court has directed the Centre to increase coverage under the National Food Security Act (NFSA) so that “more and more needy persons and citizens get the benefit” under the 2013 law which entitles rural and urban poor to receive subsidised food grains under the Targeted Public Distribution System. The coverage under the NFSA is still as...
More »Beyond the right of mere existence: From the lens of slum dwellers -Harshita Gupta and Krishangee Parikh
-TheLeaflet.in The recent observations of the Delhi High Court in Samar Pal versus Union of India urge us to ponder whether the right to life of slum dwellers deals with mere existence or includes the right to livelihood within its ambit. ——– BEYOND the skyscrapers and posh lifestyle of cosmopolitan cities of India lie the lives of millions of slum dwellers. According to the 2018 report of the World Bank, 35 per cent...
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