Union Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee’s son Avijit Mukherjee, who is contesting from Nalhati in Birbhum district as a Congress candidate in the West Bengal assembly elections, has assets worth more than Rs 5 crore jointly with his wife. Avijit who filed his nomination on Tuesday stated in his affidavits that he had movable assets worth Rs 58.2 lakh. These include a Maruti 800 car, an army Mahindra jeep and a revolver...
Citizen Anna and agent Prashant by Rashmee Roshan Lall
In fashionably liberal circles, Prashant Bhushan is an authentic modern hero, the people's advocate who uses the killer argument to avenge the aam admi on the bloodless battlefield of the Supreme Court. Among his lawyer peers, Bhushan is somewhat disdainfully seen as an "activist who takes up causes, not cases". Some politicians call him a "self-righteous" busybody with a penchant for the sensational storyline. Some others loathe the 55-year-old, who helped...
More »Delhi's population grows slowest in 100 yrs by Rukmini Shrinivasan
Adding just 30 lakh people in the last 10 years, Delhi experienced its slowest population growth in almost a century. The decadal growth rate of 21% was less than half the figure of 47% for the previous decade. Census officials attributed this to a combination of declining fertility and mass slum demolitions. Provisional district-level data released by Varsha Joshi, director of census operations for NCT, on Monday said this is the...
More »Cops file cases against Greater Noida farmers by Lalit Kumar
An officer of the 32{+n}{+d} battalion of the Provincial Armed Constabulary has filed cases of rioting, attacking government servants on duty, abducting a PAC sub-inspector, snatching a light machine gun from the PAC, and other counts, against about 200 unidentified farmers of Bhatta village. The report has been filed after about two dozen farmers clashed with a PAC unit, late on Monday morning, and the PAC opened fire, injuring four...
More »Greater Noida farmers abduct govt officials
Agitating farmers abducted two senior government officials - one from the Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Authority - from a village here on Friday. The officials could not be traced till late Friday night.Deputy chief executive officer RK Singh and deputy collector SP Singh had gone to attend a meeting with the farmers, who had been agitating for higher compensation for their land acquired by the state government for development work,...
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