Tamil Nadu’s free laptop distribution scheme, involving what is said to be the largest government order for computing equipment in India, hangs in the balance as all but one vendor, hit by the hard disk shortage created by recent floods in Thailand, have refused to sign on to the state administration’s delivery schedule. “Out of six vendors only one has signed an agreement and we have given a purchase order,” an...
Varsity to show answer scripts under RTI Act
-The Hindu Calcutta University has decided to make available answer scripts to students under the Right to Information Act, university officials said on Monday. “We have decided to give photo copies of answer scripts to students under the Act. Each student will have to pay Rs. 500 for getting his duplicate copy of answer scripts…,” Controller of Examinations Onkar Sadhan Adhikari said. The decision of the university, which had earlier declined requests...
More »High Court stays clearance for DB power coal mine in Chhattisgarh by Aman Sethi
The Chhattisgarh High Court has directed that no further action be taken towards granting environmental clearance to a coal mine operated by DB Power Ltd, a subsidiary of DB Corp, one of India's largest media corporations. The respondents have been given three weeks to reply. A writ petition filed in the court accuses the company of adopting “deliberate, illegal and manipulative” measures to influence the outcome of a public hearing held...
More »What to do about internet content?
-The Hindu Kapil Sibal, Union Minister for Communications and Information Technology, has set off a firestorm of protest by demanding that ‘internet intermediaries' — specifically in this round, four social networking giants, Google, Yahoo, Facebook, and Microsoft, which enable hundreds of millions of individual users to publish and share on the worldwide web — remove inflammatory content as well as other text and images that might “offend Indian sensibilities.” As in...
More »MPSC candidate obtains answer sheet under RTI
-The Times of India A Nagpurian who had appeared in a state government engineering exam conducted by the Maharashtra Public Service Commission(MPSC) has been able to secure a photocopy of answer sheets of his theory papers under the RTI. This is a landmark judgment and henceforth other candidates too will be able to check whether they have been evaluated properly. Nilesh Madankar had appeared for the Maharashtra Engineering Service (MES) examination early this...
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