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Secrets behind 51 success stories

-The Hindu   ‘51 Wayanadan Karshika Vijayagathakal' released KALPETTA (Kerala): ‘51 Wayanadan Karshika Vijayagathakal,' a book on 51 farmers who have scripted success sagas in farming activities in the district, written by N. Anilkumar, Director, M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation, and Joseph John, a scientist with the Foundation, was released by N.S. Sajikumar, District Development Manager, NABARD, at a function here recently. The book details the innovative agriculture practices, which are economically viable and ecologically...

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A raw deal for migrants-Jayati Ghosh

-Frontline     Significant part of economic migration is still the result of desperation rather than hard-headed economic calculation. This, in turn, affects the conditions under which workers migrate and their lives and work as well.   PERHAPS the most poignant moment in the film Peepli Live-even though the movie is really more about the media than about the socio-economic realities of India-is at the very end, when the hapless protagonist, now a former farmer...

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A guarantee for learning -Rukmini Banerji

-The Indian Express We have achieved close to universal enrolment. Now the focus should turn to the quality of education. The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2009 states that every child in India has a right to a full-time elementary education of satisfactory and equitable quality in a formal school that satisfies certain essential norms and standards. Even a cursory reading of the law indicates that it...

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Anti-poverty schemes, a success story -Aditya Dasgupta

-The Hindu Business Line Welfare programmes do work these days. That's because their implementation determines poll outcomes In the last 15 years, India has seen the adoption of an "alphabet soup" of ambitious national anti-poverty programmes: a rural connectivity scheme (PMGSY), a universal primary schooling initiative (SSA), a rural health initiative (NRHM), a rural electrification scheme (RGGVY), a rural employment guarantee (NREGA), a food subsidy (Food Security Act), and a new digital...

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Little or no association between economic growth and child nutrition

It seems that a long-drawn-out battle among economists about economic growth trickling down into development has found some solid answer. A recent paper published in the Lancet Global Health journal (April, 2014), which has been jointly written by a team of experts based on evidence from 121 Demographic and Health Surveys from 36 low-income and middle-income countries shows that there exists little or no association between increases in per capita...

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