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Calculating Poverty: How India does it    Can you live on Rs 32 a day in Indian cities? This is what everyone is asking after the Planning Commission came up with this figure in its revised estimate of people living below the Poverty line. How about living on Rs 26 a day in a village? Impossible, you say. That's the debate that has been going on in India for the past few days. There is certainly something missing with...

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Rs. 32 a day Poverty line not all that ridiculous: Montek

-PTI Even as a controversy rages over the Rs. 32 per capita per day Poverty line, Planning Commission Deputy Chairman Montek Singh Ahluwalia has said “it is not all that ridiculous” in Indian conditions. “The fact is that Rs. 4,824 per month for a family [of five] to define Poverty is not comfortable but it is not all that ridiculous in Indian conditions,” Mr. Ahluwalia said in a letter to Attorney-General Goolam...

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Montek defends BPL cut-off

-PTI   The daily expense cut-off of Rs 32 per person to define urban Poverty “is not all that ridiculous in Indian conditions”, Planning Commission deputy chairman Montek Singh Ahluwalia said today. The comments, certain to stoke the controversy over the criteria, came in a letter that Ahluwalia wrote to attorney-general Goolam Vahanvati. “The fact is that Rs 4,824 per month for a family (of five persons) to define Poverty is not comfortable but...

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World hunger report 2011: High, volatile prices set to continue

-FAO   Food price volatility featuring high prices is likely to continue and possibly increase, making poor farmers, consumers and countries more vulnerable to Poverty and food insecurity, the United Nations' three Rome-based agencies said in the global hunger report published today.    Small, import-dependent countries, particularly in Africa, are especially at risk.  Many of them still face severe problems following the world food and economic crises of 2006-2008, the UN Food and...

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NREGA workers are mostly women by Gayathri Sasibhooshan

Kerala has the most number of female national rural employment guarantee act (NREGA) workers in the country, according to the rural development ministry's 2008 assessment. And the projection for the year 2010 showed 95% of NREGA workers in the state would be women. Why more women come for NREGA work is because men in Kerala are not ready to work for Rs 150 a day, the wage that is paid. But...

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