-The Hindu The RBI has estimated a 7.1% inflation rate for the July to September quARTer India’s retail inflation touched 7% in August, up from 6.71% in July, fuelled by a 7.62% pick-up in food prices paid by consumers, even as industrial production growth in July had dropped to the lowest level since April at just 2.4%, with output levels dropping 2.75% month-on-month. This is the eighth successive month that retail inflation...
122 farmer suicides in a single district in WB in 2021, reveals RTI query -Shiv Sahay Singh
-The Hindu In contrast, State Government has been maintaining that there were no deaths by suicide in agricultural sector; NCRB data also concur A Right to Information (RTI) query has revealed that there were 122 farmer and farm-related suicides in West Bengal’s Paschim Medinipur district in 2021. The West Bengal government has for the past several years maintained in public forums and the State Assembly that there has not been a single...
More »Magsaysay Award -- In the eye of controversy -Sumeda
-The Hindu CPI(M) cites ‘anti-communist stance’ for declining the award for Shailaja A controversy over the ‘joint’ decision of the Communist PARTy of India (Marxist), or CPI (M), to decline the 2022 Ramon Magsaysay Award nomination for former Kerala Health Minister K.K. Shailaja has brought into focus the prize and the former Philippines President in whose name the award was instituted in 1957. Though the CPI(M) has cited the ‘anti-communist’ stance of Ramon...
More »India imposes export curbs on rice as domestic prices rise & paddy area shrinks -Sayantan Bera
-ThePrint.in Twenty per cent export tax on several varieties of rice. 'Circumstances exist which render it necessary to take immediate action', says revenue dept notification. New Delhi: India, the world’s largest exporter of rice, Thursday imposed a 20 per cent export tax on several varieties of rice in a bid to tame domestic prices. According to a notification issued by the depARTment of revenue, all export of paddy (unmilled rice), brown rice and...
More »What the brief life of Inder Meghwal tells us -Uma Mahadevan-Dasgupta
-The Hindu Not all children are allowed the same ‘length’ of childhood, or even the same experience. Early education for the most disadvantaged children can, and must, change that What can one say about the brief life of Inder Meghwal, nine years old? The child was a student in a Rajasthan village school. Last month, he reportedly drank water from a pot reserved for an “upper caste” teacher. His teacher beat him...
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