The Goa bench of Bombay High Court stretched the RTI Act's ambit to the maximum when it ruled that a governor's report to the Centre about the political situation in a state could not be kept under wraps and ordered its disclosure upon an application under the transparency law. This has sent shock waves in the power corridors as the Union Cabinet headed by the prime minister relies on the secret...
It was murder most foul by Manas Dasgupta
-The Hindu SIT says 2004 killing of Ishrat by Gujarat police was staged A Special Investigation Team appointed by the Gujarat High Court has concluded that the sensational Ishrat Jahan encounter of June 15, 2004 — in which the Ahmedabad police claimed they shot dead four Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorists on a mission to assassinate Narendra Modi — was entirely staged and the teenaged girl from Maharashtra and the three men who died with...
More »UP health scam probe
-The Telegraph The CBI today began probing an Uttar Pradesh health scam running into thousands of crores that has led to the murders of two honest government doctors and the sacking of two ministers. The issue relates to the spending of Rs 10,000 crore allocated to the state under the National Rural Health Mission. CBI spokesperson Dharini Mishra said the agency had registered five preliminary inquiries on the orders of Allahabad High Court,...
More »Reforming the Press Council by AG Noorani
The new Chairman of the Press Council of India, Markandey Katju, wants to make it an instrument of mediation in addition to adjudication. THE appointment of Justice Markandey Katju, a former judge of the Supreme Court, as Chairman of the Press Council of India is about the best thing that has happened to that body in a long while. It is no exaggeration to say that the PCI commands little prestige...
More »CIC advice on RTI unlikely to be heeded by govt schools by Rageshri Ganguly
Inclusion of Right to Information (RTI) Act in the revised syllabus of the state government schools is unlikely to see the light of day as recommendations made by the chief information commissioner (CIC) in this regard reached the Chief Minister's office only on November 11, barely about a few days before the syllabus of the next academic session is being finalized. The CIC Padmapani Tiwari had recommended on October 24 to...
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