Over 2,000 activists of CPI (ML) Liberation gheraoed the Dasmantpur block office on Thursday demanding probe into irregularities in the execution of many developmental projects including the central employment scheme MGNREGA. The agitators took out a rally at the block headquarters before submitting a memorandum to the BDO. "Several Poverty Alleviation programmes have failed in the block due to the indifference of the officials concerned. People are unable to get...
An indictment of the World Bank schemes by K Subramanian
THE WORLD BANK IN INDIA - Undermining Sovereignty, Distorting Development: Edited by Michele Kelley, Deepika D'Souza; Orient Blackswan, 3-6-752, Himayatnagar, Hyderabad-500029. Rs. 895. This book is a collection of essays covering an array of economic issues ranging from agriculture, poverty, food security, power, water, to governance, environment impact and sustainability of growth, and the impact of the World Bank on them. Even a cursory reading would show that it is a...
More »Ministries ignore RTI obligation
The attempt of the Central Information Commission (CIC), the final appellate authority for implementation of Right to Information (RTI) Act, to bring transparency in the functioning of government departments through voluntary disclosure of information on websites has come a cropper. Of the 1,600 public authorities (government departments, apex bodies, autonomous organisations and ministries) listed by the Commission, only 125 have obeyed its directive and appointed transparency officers. The macro picture...
More »Rural post offices may set up ATMs by Souvik Sanyal & Dheeraj Tiwari
The government may allow post offices to set up automated teller machines, or ATMs , at rural areas, in an attempt to further strengthen the role of India Post in financial inclusion. India Post, which is working on major improvements in the payment process for social sector schemes like NREGA, will set up ATM networks in selected areas to give people access to online banking services. "Central, state and local governments are...
More »Helpline to solve wage problems in Central employment scheme by Satyanarayan Pattnaik
Udayanath Kandhapan of Girligumma village under Dasmantpur block was engaged in a field canal work under the MGNREGA. But one year after the completion of the work, he is yet to get his wages; so are other labourers working on the project. They have approached concerned officials several times regarding the matter, but to no avail. Disturbed over the apathetic attitude of the officials, Kandhapan registered his grievance at the...
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