-The Times of India The BJP-led Opposition on Wednesday launched its attack on the UPA government over the issue of price rise in Lok Sabha. Opening the debate, BJP leader Yashwant Sinha said that the BJP did not want the growth of economy if poor were dying of hunger. "Price rise is the worst kind of taxation on poor. The government should take immediate measures to check price rise" Sinha said. Continuing the...
Don't Curb NREGS ( Times Of India)
Though it remains susceptible to leakages and can do with greater oversight, the National Rural Employment Guarantee scheme (NREGS) appears to have boosted rural incomes by providing job seekers at least 100 days' guaranteed labour every financial year. That's why the Union rural development ministry's reported advisory to states to 'informally' suspend NREGS operations during peak farming season isn't a very good idea. For starters, the move would be legally...
More »Land acquisition, FDI in retail, insurance top PM's reform agenda
-The Times of India Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Wednesday flagged amendments to land acquisition law, allowing more foreign investment in retail trading and insurance and introduction of good and services tax (GST) as the key reforms agenda of the government. "I think the first thing is to sustain the momentum of growth that we have built," PM said during a meeting with a group of editors. But a key...
More »Consensus route to retail FDI
-The Telegraph India is trying to build a consensus on liberalising foreign direct investment (FDI) in retail and defence, finance minister Pranab Mukherjee today told a gathering of business leaders and policy makers in Washington. “Discussions are under way to build a consensus on further liberalisation of the FDI policy in retail and defence,” Mukherjee said. Differences exist within the Indian government on the appropriate policies for foreign direct investments in the...
More »When paddy turns poison by Jaideep Hardikar
When he drank poison on January 11, farmer Hargovind Harne’s run-down hut was bursting with freshly harvested paddy. Yet he was neck-deep in debt. Even the bottle of pesticide that he used to take his own life had been bought on credit, as the bill shows. His large stock of grain wasn’t the only puzzle in the 47-year-old’s suicide. Vidarbha is infamous for continuing suicides by cotton farmers but Harne grew food,...
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