-PTI Eight months ahead of the Gujarat Assembly polls, the cyber space has become a battlefield between supporters of tech-savvy Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi and his opponents. Social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter, blogs, e-mails, websites, video uploading sites and every possible avenue on the internet is being used to attract the attention of the net-savvy, especially youths, towards Modi. His opponents, chiefly the Congress, which calls him an "internet manipulator"...
CPM trio lose funds powers
-The Telegraph The Mamata Banerjee government today curtailed the financial powers of three CPM-run zilla parishads where funds disbursals have come to a standstill because of an alleged tussle to claim credit. The district magistrates of North 24-Parganas, Nadia and Murshidabad have been empowered to disburse funds. The Left had been reduced to a minority in the standing committees of the three zilla parishads after it lost power last May. State panchayat minister...
More »UNHRC: India dilutes censure motion before Voting with West against Sri Lanka
-The Economic Times India on Thursday voted in favour of a US-sponsored censure motion against Sri Lanka in the 47-member UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. The government's domestic political compulsions seems to have prevailed over the country's strategic interests. Twenty-four countries, including India, voted for the resolution and 15 against, while eight nations abstained. Among the countries which voted against the resolution were China, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Maldives. India's decision was...
More »House vents poverty fury, seeks Montek’s head
-The Telegraph The Lok Sabha erupted today over the latest poverty estimates, with calls from the Opposition to disband the Planning Commission and sack its deputy chairman Montek Singh Ahluwalia. “Montek does not know this country and the poor. He is far removed from the ground realities. He should be removed. Close down this Planning Commission. It is of no use,” Sharad Yadav of the Janata Dal (United) said. His outrage was at...
More »In India, A Surge in Female Voters by Neha Thirani
The results for the assembly elections held across five Indian states, announced yesterday, threw up some surprises. But a welcome surprise in these elections was the high voter turn out. Voters, and particularly women voters, went to the polls in unexpectedly high numbers. Voter turnout jumped nearly 50 percent in one state, Uttar Pradesh, and women voted at higher rates than men in all five states that had elections. Activists credit...
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