-The Hindu YADGIR (Karnataka): It looks like Narasappa Kotriki has pulled a rabbit out of his hat. The marginal farmer from Tipadampalli village in Yadgir district, who suffered crop loss, has found rearing rabbits quite profitable. When he fell into bad times, he purchased 100 rabbits (70 male and 30 female) with Rs 1.2 lakh. He spent another Rs. 2.8 lakh for other infrastructure — cages for the rabbits and a shed...
Why world leaders were served with a platter of trash at UN
-Agencies/ United Nations World leaders accustomed to fine dining had a surprise on their plates on Sunday at the United Nations. Lunch made from food waste -- like “Landfill Salad” -- was served to about 30 world leaders who attended a global summit on sustainable development agenda. Chefs cooked up a lunch made entirely of food that would have ended up in garbage bins, hoping to highlight the extraordinary waste in modern...
More »Internet.org or Facebook Free Basics: Do read the fine print -Leslie D'Monte
-Livemint.com Arguments against the initiative, such as violation of net neutrality, splintering the Internet and compromising security and privacy, remain unchanged Mumbai: Is it better for the poor to access a bit of the Internet for free with a few strings attached rather than have no access to it at all? On the face of it, most of us will find it hard to disagree with this proposition. After all, no one...
More »In Jharkhand, a marginalised tribe lives in hamlets of misery and despair -Jean Drèze
-Scroll.in The Sabar of East Singhbhum district, huddled in tiny huts, are haunted by hunger and illness. One may never get to know how the Sabar live unless one looks for them. Even that requires guidance from someone who knows where they stay. We reached their hamlets, or rather their scattered huts, at the end of narrow country paths in a remote Corner of Potka Block in East Singhbhum district, Jharkhand. On...
More »68 years after freedom, only 6% houses in state get piped water -Sheezan Nezami
-The Times of India PATNA: With election round the Corner, politicians are making promises. One such promise has been made by CM Nitish Kumar: If voted to power, he would ensure piped water reaches every household in Bihar. Sceptics ask how come as basic a human need as safe drinking water was not made available to the people of Bihar by their successive government in 68 years since independence. Piped water connection...
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