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Those other problems in Andhra Pradesh by P Sainath

If present political trends and shifts in Andhra Pradesh intensify, the State could see an election within a year. And not just over Telangana. When Chandrababu Naidu sits on a hunger fast for suffering farmers, you know something is afoot in Andhra Pradesh. Excessive rains have devastated the crops in the State. And losses have been enormous. But a farmer losing over Rs.15,000 on an acre of paddy will get less...

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Party floats corporate RTI by Sanjay K Jha

The Congress has proposed the introduction of an RTI-like legislation exclusively for “corporate corridors”, floating what looks like a nascent idea at a time some industrialists have criticised the government after the leak of the Niira Radia tapes. The suggestion was made in the latest issue of the Congress mouthpiece Sandesh and released today at the plenary where Sonia made an anti-corruption drive the cornerstone of her speech. “The Right to Information...

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‘Beggars' laws must be replaced with welfare laws'

Legal experts have called for repealing of anti-beggary laws and demanded effective implementation of welfare and social security laws for enhancing sources of livelihood for the beggars. Usha Ramanathan, law researcher, Poverty and Rights, New Delhi, and B.B. Pande, former professor of Law, University of Delhi, said prevention and prohibition of beggary laws enacted in several States have infringed upon individual liberties and have provided powers to State authorities to round...

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New norms violate RTE, says panel

Delhi Commission for Protection of Child Rights (DCPCR) on Friday issued noticetothedepartment of education (DoE),Delhi government , over issuing of guidelines for admission in preprimary and class-I saying they violate the provisions of theRighttoF ree andCompulsory Education Act, 2009. in Its notice to the principal secretary , education , the commission has asked the department to re-examine the order . The guidelines were issued by DoEon Wednesday . The notice...

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Land to be acquired only with the consent of farmers in Gujarat by Manas Dasgupta

In a bid to encourage farmers to part with their land for industrial development, the Gujarat government has formulated a new land acquisition policy to make them partners in the development. Announcing this, Minister of State for Industries Saurabh Patel said the State-owned Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation (GIDC) henceforth would acquire land only with the “consent” of the concerned farmers, pay them at the prevailing market price, and give them a...

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