-The Hindu The Delhi High Court on Wednesday issued notices to the Union Government and the Central Information Commission (CIC) on a public interest litigation by two RTI activists seeking a direction to fill vacant posts of Information Commissioners and the subordinate staff in the CIC. Issuing the notices, a Division Bench of the Court comprising Acting Chief Justice A.K. Sikri and Justice Rajiv Sahai Endlaw directed the respondents to file replies...
Credit disbursements to dalit entrepreneurs drops 33.8% this fiscal by Divya Rajagopal
Lack of adequate credit - the lifeblood for any company is threatening to derail fledgling attempts by hundreds of dalit entrepreneurs to overcome deep socio-economic barriers and break into mainstream business. Without credit, such entrepreneurs would also struggle to cash-in on the Rs 7,000-crore business opportunity opened up by the central government's new dalit-friendly sourcing plan, unveiled last month. Credit disbursements to dalit entrepreneurs through 20-odd schemes run by the Ministry of...
More »NREGA's new avatar: Work later, take home cash now by Devika Banerji
The government is likely to allow advance part payment of wages in a bid to restore faith of beneficiaries in its flagship rural jobs scheme. The proposal is part of a slew of measures to address mounting criticism of the centrally-funded Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) which is beset by administrative logjam and charges of leakages. The rural development ministry has asked states to initiate a monthlong pilot...
More »Toll mounts as brain fever grips 'resurgent' Bihar by Shoumojit Banerjee
82 children have died in Magadh division Bihar is in the grip of yet another lethal outbreak of viral encephalitis, which has claimed the lives of 82 children in the Magadh division so far. The latest death was reported on Sunday. The division's only government hospital, the Anugrah Narayan Magadh Medical College Hospital, has been swamped with 383 cases of encephalitis, with an average of six cases pouring in each day. This is...
More »Another excuse to cut government spending by Brinda Karat
The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) is under pressure from several quarters. One such source of pressure is the rural rich whose concerns were recently voiced by Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar, when he raised the bogey of shortage of supply of farm workers because of the employment guarantee scheme. The fact is that the national average for workdays generated under the scheme is less than half of the...
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