The Delhi High Court has handed both the political circuit and the media a ticking parcel with its judgment in the Ashok Chavan case. It shouldn't be long before we learn what's ticking. (What's not ticking is the media. Subdued quiet seems the norm.) The former Maharashtra Chief Minister had challenged the power of the Election Commission of India (ECI) to go into the truth or falsity of his 2009...
Despite RTE, EWS kids still find the going tough
-The Hindustan Times A year after its implementation, students and parents from the economically weaker sections of society are still finding it tough to use the Right to Education Act (RTE) effectively. Instances of alleged expulsion, mental harassment and misbehaviour have been reported by students and parents from different corners of the city against some private un-aided schools. In one incident, a Class III student, Sidhartha (name changed), an economically weaker section...
More »On austerity drive, PM shoots down ministers' foreign trips by Diptosh Majumdar
Indian ministers' foreign travel plans have been grounded by the government's austerity drive. Till July 1 this year, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had turned down as many as 24 foreign trip applications from members of his ministerial council, compared to 10 such refusals in the whole of 2010. The change is stark considering that the PM had earlier been obliging almost all his colleagues. In 2009, after the UPA returned to...
More »Sen finger at babus
-The Telegraph Amartya Sen today blamed “bureaucratic controls” for the delay in release of funds for the upcoming Nalanda University in Bihar. He said the university would teach only two courses to start with because of funds shortage but hoped that in future, it would go beyond teaching to do research as well. Sen felt that Indian universities’ track record in research was a crucial reason why not even one of them...
More »CIC sets norms to protect RTI activists by Chetan Chauhan
India’s transparency watchdog the Central Information Commission has decided to take upon itself the task of safeguard interests of the Right To Information (RTI) applicants who face harassment for seeking information. In 2010, 28 RTI activists were allegedly attacked after filing their applications and this year two activists Manglaram of Rajasthan and Amarnath. India's transparency watchdog the Central Information Commission has decided to take upon itself the task of safeguard interests of...
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