-The Hindu Like 75-year-old Mano Devi, many villagers of Latehar in Jharkand have been running from pillar to post to get Aadhaar card Latehar: At 11 am, Mano Devi reached the Garu block centre, Latehar, in a basket slung from a bamboo stick, carried by two youths from village Doram, 25 km away. The young men, Bhojendra Singh and Mithu Singh, went straight to the pragya kendra (IT centre) but Mano Devi...
No benefits for beneficiaries-Anumeha Yadav
-The Hindu Nearly three years after the government began experimenting with Aadhaar-based payments in Jharkhand, it has not been able to start disbursing payments to beneficiaries at their doorstep Jharkhand was one of five pilot States chosen for an Aadhaar-enabled payment system (AEPS). Beginning with Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) payments in select blocks in four districts in 2012, AEPS added pension and scholarship schemes and the Janani Suraksha...
More »Why women aren’t taking up farm jobs -Pramit Bhattacharya
-Live Mint Mint examines why millions of women are missing from farms, factories, colleges, and offices in India, which has one of the lowest ratios of working women in the world Mumbai: Every monsoon, minivans ferrying women labourers can be seen making their way from the small sleepy town of Wardha to Waifad village, 18 kilometres away. Urban workers from Wardha have come to occupy an integral part of Waifad's farm...
More »Instructions based on learning of child more important than syllabus-Iqbal Dhaliwal
-The Hindustan Times The recently released Annual Status of Education Report (Aser) 2013, which covers every rural district in India, contains some good but mostly bad news. enrolment in India's primary schools is still at an impressive 96%, and the number of schools compliant with the Right to Education (RTE) Act norms, such as providing drinking water and usable toilets, continues to rise. But much of this is undermined by a...
More »Educational level dismal among tribals -Aabshar Quazi
-The Hindustan Times Kota (Rajasthan): The level of education among tribal children is dismal in the state, a survey has found. The reasons are the lack of awareness about the importance of education and their nomadic nature. The Kota Heritage Society, a voluntary organisation, conducted the survey on the educational status of nomadic and denotified tribes of Rajasthan. The Indian Council of Social Science Research of the Union human resource development...
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