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Is India overestimating its economic growth? -TCA Sharad Raghavan

-The Hindu The new GDP series has some methodological and sampling problems Former Chief Economic Adviser Arvind Subramanian recently claimed in a paper that India’s GDP growth from 2011-12 to 2016-17 was likely to have been overestimated. The Prime Minister’s Economic Advisory Council has rejected this claim, stating that his paper would “not stand the scrutiny of academic or policy research standards”. In a conversation moderated by T.C.A. Sharad Raghavan, Pronab Sen...

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Which one is a better indicator for depicting the problem of joblessness -- Proportion Unemployed or Unemployment Rate?

In a recent blog post, Columbia University professor Arvind Panagariya mentions that the critics of the present Prime Minister of India failed to underscore ‘employment rate’ -- flip side of unemployment rate -- that stood at nearly 94 percent according to the report on Periodic Labour Force Survey 2017-18. A recent article by Dr. Vikas Rawal and Prachi Bansal, however, points out that in order to understand the problem of joblessness...

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UP readies law for pvt universities with rider -- pledge no anti-national activity -Maulshree Seth

-The Indian Express While the UP government has not specified the 27 universities that will be brought under the ambit of the proposed Ordinance, the UGC lists 29 private universities in the state as on November 2018. Lucknow: The draft of a new Ordinance cleared by the Uttar Pradesh Cabinet Tuesday includes a provision which mandates an undertaking by new and existing universities that they will not be involved in or...

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Five policy reforms to jump-start growth -Niranjan Rajadhyaksha How India can put in place policy reforms to raise GDP growth without creating macroeconomic instability Mumbai: The SECond Narendra Modi government has begun its innings in the midst of a sharp economic slowdown. Economic expansion in the fourth quarter of the previous financial year was at the lowest level in five years—and 2.2 percentage points lower than growth in the first quarter of that year. The recent loss in economic...

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India's budget math faces a tough challenge now -Nikita Kwatra To keep up with the pressure of making headline fiscal deficit numbers look good, the government has increasingly resorted to off-budget financing for revenue as well as capital spending As with every other Union budget in the country, all eyes will focus on the fiscal deficit number that India’s new finance minister, Nirmala Sitharaman presents on 5 July in her maiden budget speech. But for many investors and analysts, how that...

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