In a week when the central food ministry is reviewing the functioning of the much-maligned public distribution system (PDS) and plans to pull up laggard states on poor storage facilities, low grain offtake, high diversion and a persistently slacking programme, an objective relook at the world’s largest grain distribution system is imperative. Agriculture minister Sharad Pawar has time and again emphasised that streamlining the PDS in the usual-suspect states to...
PDS foodgrain stock allocated to UP by Swati Mathur
The ministry of consumer affairs and public distribution has allocated of 5.28 lakh tonnes per month of wheat and rice to Uttar Pradesh for the fiscal year 2011-12. The assigned foodgrains have been made available to the department of food and civil supplies for distribution through the public distribution system (PDS). At present, UP has a total of 65.84 lakh below Poverty line (BPL) and 40.94 lakh Antyodaya card holders. On...
More »Dreze urges PM to keep cash out of food security Bill by Sreelatha Menon
A study on the Public Distribution System by a team led by National Advisory Council member and economist Jean Dreze found only 18 per cent of respondents in a survey, of 1,227 below-Poverty line households over 106 villages in nine states, wanted cash in place of food under the system. The demand for cash transfers was highest in Bihar at 54 per cent, followed by 34 per cent in Uttar Pradesh...
More »Food Security Bill needs amendments by Brinda Karat
As it is drafted, the Bill actually deprives people, and the State governments, of existing rights on multiple counts. The Food Security Bill finalised by a Group of Ministers should not be accepted by Parliament in its present form. The overriding negative features of the proposed legislation far outweigh its positive initiatives. The framework itself is questionable since the Central government usurps all powers to decide the numbers, criteria and schemes...
More »The Institutions of Democracy by Andre Beteille
This essay describes and compares Parliament and the Supreme Court and examines the relationship between them. Parliament may still be a great institution, but its members are no longer great men. How long can a great institution remain great in the hands of small men? The SC has held its place in the public esteem rather better than the Lok Sabha, despite the occasional allegation of financial impropriety. Parliament, the...
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