Total Matching Records found : 3284

Primary Schooling by Amartya Sen

PRIMARY SCHOOLING: I Pratichi Trust (India) was established a decade ago, along with its sister across the border, Pratichi Trust (Bangladesh) [1]. The Bangladesh centre has been concentrating on the social progress of girls and young women there (it has worked particularly on supporting and training young women journalists reporting from rural Bangladesh), whereas here in India, the work of the Trust has been mainly focused on advancing primary education...

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Ghost Lullabies by Chandrani Banerjee

* A Rs 350 crore scam has surfaced in the Rajiv Gandhi National Creche Scheme * Three organisations are being investigated by the vigilance department of the women WCD ministry for mismanagement and for running creches only on paper * The scheme was for children of women in the unorganised sector * The organisations maintained fake audits and balancesheets signed by CAs Nothing, it would seem, is sacred for scamsters....

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Voluntary service by Bhaskar Ghose

Very little is known generally about operational NGOs that work closely with people on a daily basis. WHILE a good many people in the country know that the Central and State governments have a number of plans and projects to bring about development – not all of them either well-conceived or well administered – they are much less aware of the part played in the overall development process by non-governmental...

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Republic of Silence by Ashok Mitra

Hokum must have its kingdom. The judicial report on the culpability for the crime perpetrated on December 6, 1992, was first leaked and then laid on the floor of Parliament. The predictable sequel was an uproarious parliamentary debate. Countrymen are however not any more enlightened than they already were. That horrid outrage was committed over 17 years ago, in broad daylight, with the world’s media looking on. Thousands watched the proceedings...

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Boardroom rules

One year on from the aborted Satyam-Maytas deal that eventually paved the way for Ramalinga Raju’s sensational confession of fraud some weeks later, the government finally seems to be getting serious about corporate governance reform. The revelation of accounting fraud at Satyam unfortunately distracted attention from more fundamental issues relating to good corporate governance, particularly the role of company boards. But now, the government is set to release a new...

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