“Declare State GM organisms-free on the lines of M.P., Bihar” Farmer groups here on Sunday demanded that Rajasthan be declared a genetically modified (GM) organisms-free State on the lines of Madhya Pradesh, which has recently decided to prohibit any environmental release, including field trials, of GM seeds and crops in view of their safety and impact on human beings and environment still being in doubt. Madhya Pradesh is the second State in...
1,300 villagers opt for rural employment scheme
As agriculture-related activities come to a standstill with the summer season reaching its peak, around 1,300 labourers and farmers in the rural areas have registered themselves for the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS). The MGNREGS guarantees job for 100 days with daily remuneration. As many as 81 projects have been initiated in Pune district and the administration is planning to commence at least 100 more projects in the...
More »Policing The Ratio by Amba Batra Bakshi
Correcting The Skew... Among suggestions made for checking prenatal sex determination are: * Police presence outside suspect ultrasound clinics and hospitals * An online complaint forum to allow people to inform on erring clinics * Mapping of districts, identification of problem regions and analysis of data to determine causative factors * Tracking sex ratio through data collection at birth, so that real-time data is available for corrective measures *** The news of the...
More »See Any Girl Out Here? by Neha Bhatt
They have all been killed quietly, leaving Devda just with 20 girls compared to 300 boys Avon Kanwar lives in fear. She is scared her food may be poisoned. She is afraid to sleep at night because she suspects she may be strangled. Avon, eight years old, is convinced her parents will kill her. “I don’t know where she hears such things,”says her father Sangh Singh, “We stopped killing girls...
More »No decision taken on Bt Brinjal by Gargi Parsai
No decision was taken at the first meeting of experts that deliberated on issues relating to the moratorium on the commercial release of Genetically Modified Bt Brinjal. The experts were invited by the Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC) for their views on the controversial issue. Noted agriculture scientist M.S. Swaminathan, however, recused himself from the meeting. He told The Hindu that being a member of a Parliamentary Committee that was looking into the...
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