-PTI Maharashtra Government today tabled the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) report, which allegedly indicts senior politicians from the state, in the Legislative Assembly amidst demand for a probe by PWD Minister Chhagan Bhujbal into its "leak". Making a personal clarification after the report was tabled by deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar, Bhujbal described the leak as a "conspiracy to malign individuals" and sought a probe, saying excerpts of the report that...
Mamata wants Delhi to bear anti-Maoist cost-JP Yadav
Mamata Banerjee skipped today’s meeting on internal security but sought to extract her pound even in absentia. The Bengal chief minister asked the UPA government to bear the entire cost of deploying central forces for anti-Maoist operations in the states, arguing that Left-wing extremism (LWE) had “implications” for national security. “The LWE problem is not an ordinary law-and-order problem affecting a particular state. It has serious implications on national security. It would,...
More »‘RTE Act violates right conferred on unaided minority schools'-J Venkatesan
Reservation will change their character, says Supreme Court The Supreme Court on Thursday held that the Right to Education Act would not apply to unaided minority schools. The majority judgment by Chief Justice S.H. Kapadia and Justice Swatanter Kumar said: “Reservation of 25 per cent in such unaided minority schools will result in changing the character of the schools if the right to establish and administer such schools flows from the right...
More »Why burden us, ask private schools by Basant Kumar Mohanty
Today's Supreme Court judgment saying all private schools other than unaided minority schools must reserve one in four seats for poor children has provoked dismay in private schools. Principals of leading private schools in Delhi said the 25 per cent reservation would impose a severe financial burden on them. "The government should take care of education for the poor. Why cannot the government open new schools? Why are they pushing the 25...
More »Learning curve
-The Indian Express SC rightly upholds equity in private schools — now govt schools should pull their socks up The Supreme Court has upheld the Right to Education Act and its 25 per cent quota for children from economically disadvantaged backgrounds in all schools — public, private and in-between (except minority unaided institutions). It dismissed the petition of certain private schools, which argued that the directive to admit these children was unconstitutional,...
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