-TheWire.in A Bengal doctor has been suspended after he wrote a Facebook post on the dengue crisis. The case is similar to another doctor in Mumbai who was ‘raided’ for identifying totally-drug-resistant TB cases. Dr Arunachal Dutta Choudhury, a doctor of general medicine at the Barasat District Hospital in West Bengal, likes to write in verse. His Facebook wall is filled with his Bengali poems. His favourite form is the end rhymes,...
Air Pollution Harmful, But It Isn't A Killer, Says Environment Minister Harsh Vardhan -Pallava Bagla & Aloke Tikku
-NDTV Environment Minister Harsh Vardhan said air pollution in Delhi had gone beyond an acceptable level and would have an adverse health impact but it wasn't right to call it a health emergency. Panaji: Environment Minister Harsh Vardhan appears to question recent global studies that claim lakhs of people die in India due to pollution. Dr Harsh Vardhan told NDTV in an interview that "to attribute any death to a cause like...
More »doctor call on stent prices
-The Telegraph New Delhi: A group of Indian doctors has urged the Narendra Modi government to resist any US government or industry pressure to reverse its decisions earlier this year to impose price caps on coronary stents and knee implants. The Association of doctors for Ethical Practices (ADEH) said on Wednesday that it is hoping the Indian government will "remain firm" on its decision to cap the prices of the devices because...
More »doctor gifts reflect in drug advice -GS Mudur
-The Telegraph New Delhi: doctors who receive gifts from pharmaceutical companies are more likely to prescribe expensive versions of medicines and more drugs per patient, a US study released on Wednesday suggested. The study is among the first to quantitatively measure the impacts of such gifts and challenges claims by sections of pharmaceutical industry executives that industry gifts are not intended to influence prescriptions doctors write. Health policy researchers who analysed prescription patterns...
More »Jan Aushadhi: Not yet a generic choice -PT Jyothi Datta
-The Hindu Business Line Come November, the Jan Aushadhi initiative completes nine years. But despite its recent achievements, there's more work to be done. PT Jyothi Datta writes Earlier this year, Chemicals and Fertilizers Minister Ananth Kumar vowed to end the “medicine mafia” in the country by opening many more Jan Aushadhi kendras, stores that sell generic medicines at affordable prices. Kumar was echoing the mission outlined by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley...
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