Total Matching Records found : 5421

Owning the streets -Sharit K Bhowmik

-The Indian Express   The street vending bill goes a long way in securing the livelihood of the urban poor. The Street Vendors (Protection of Livelihood and Regulation of Street Vending) Bill, passed by Lok Sabha on September 6, 2013, is a landmark piece of legislation for the urban poor. It is the culmination of the efforts of organisations like the National Association of Street Vendors of India (NASVI) and the Self...

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India officially undercounts all crimes including rape-Rukmini S

-The Hindu     Only the ‘principal offence' in an FIR gets into NCRB data The National Crime Records Bureau, India's official source of crime data, is systematically undercounting virtually every crime in India on account of a statistical shortcoming, The Hindu has learnt. The December 16 gang rape, which prompted much examination of data on sexual assault in the country, will not even figure in NCRB data on rape owing to this statistical flaw. The...

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Over 30% live in one-room houses in capital, reveals govt handbook

-The Indian Express The disparity in living conditions in the capital was starkly revealed by the data released in the Delhi Statistical Handbook 2013. According to the handbook, over 30 per cent of Delhi's population lives in one-room dwellings, while three per cent resides in more five-room accommodations. As per the report, 32.2 per cent of the population - both rural and urban - stays in single-room dwellings followed by 29.6 per...

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Huge tobacco use in India seen killing 1.5 million a year

-Reuters Tobacco inflicts huge damage on the health of India's people and could be clocking up a death toll of 1.5 million a year by 2020 if more users are not persuaded to kick the habit, an international report said on Thursday. Despite having signed up to a global treaty on tobacco control and having numerous anti-tobacco and smoke-free laws, India is failing to implement them effectively, leaving its people vulnerable to...

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Database error: Why Delhi's failed experiment shows government should not use them -M Rajshekhar

-The Economic Times In the leaky system of welfare delivery, databases are the newest valve that governments are installing to ensure that benefits reach those-and only those -they are intended for. Since December 2012, for instance, the government of Madhya Pradesh has been appending on to the Centre's Socio Economic and Caste Census a host of household-level data: bank account numbers, NREGA card numbers, welfare entitlements, land ownership, whether their house is...

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