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Nutrition scheme for adolescent girls cleared by Aarti Dhar

The Centre on Monday cleared for implementation the Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent Girls — known as ‘Sabla' — aimed at enhancing their nutritional and economic status. The scheme will be run along with the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) project in anganwadi centres in 200 select districts, targeting girls in the age group 11-18. The districts will be selected using a set of indicators and will be a...

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Governments in India — Centre and states — spend around one per cent of the country's GDP on health. Only five countries — Burundi, Myanmar, Pakistan , Sudan and Cambodia — have a lower figure than this. But private spending on the crucial sector is 4.2 per cent of GDP, among the top 20 countries in the world. Within this private spend, employers pay for about 9 per cent and...

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Panchayats overhaul soon to smoothen rural schemes by Devesh Kumar

With a huge amount of funds riding on various rural development programmes, the Manmohan Singh government has now turned its sights on reforming and strengthening the panchayati raj system. And the task is going to start at the level of the gram panchayats, which are the vehicle for the implementation of most of the rural development projects. The ministry of rural development and panchayati raj institutions is presently in the...

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MHNREGA beats the odds, succeeds in DK by Stanley G Pinto

There was a perception that the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MHNREGA) will not work in this district. But a year down the line, many families are seeing it as a godsend opportunity to improve their livelihood by developing their small land holdings through this scheme, said DK District NREGA ombudsman Sheena Shetty. Taking charge as the ombudsman on Thursday at the zilla panchayat office here, Shetty told...

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Threat to a system by CP Chandrasekhar

The National Advisory Council's move to restrict universalisation of the PDS to the most disadvantaged districts may ultimately end up limiting its impact. RECENT weeks have seen rather contradictory statements on the challenge of ensuring food security and the set of feasible initiatives for managing the food economy. To start with, the National Advisory Council (NAC), which recognises the need for a universal public distribution system (PDS), and which was expected to...

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