Total Matching Records found : 3654

Preserving Gandhi’s enduring legacy by Melanie P Kumar

For me, stepping into the simple precincts of Bapu Kutir in Sevagram and seeing Gandhiji’s personal belongings was indeed a lesson in humility.  The charkha holds pride of place in the small mud dwelling even as Gandhians take turns to spin the wheel. One gentleman told us that a national shift to khadi would provide employment to thousands of people. The greatest thing about visiting Sevagram is to find that the...

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Bid to bring MGNREGA pay at par with minimum wages by Anindo Dey

With the state government finally increasing the minimum wages by 35% from January 1, 2011, the focus of the on-going Mazdoor Haq Yatra in the state is now on increasing the wages under MGNREGA from the current freeze at Rs 100 to meet the minimum wages. Not only activists of the Yatra plan to rake up this issue nationally, but with their prime demands from the state met, the entire focus...

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The mass job guarantee by Aruna Roy & Nachiket Udupa

  The sea change that India’s national scheme for rural employment guarantee has accomplished is hard to fathom, its vastness touching the lives or more than 100 million people. The National Rural Employment Guarantee Act of 2005 (NREGA, subsequently renamed after Mahatma Gandhi, or MGNREGA) was a landmark in Indian legislation. Under the act, as of April 2008, for the first time in India’s history, all rural citizens have a legal right...

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State gearing up for marathon UID project

With Aadhaar, a 12-digit number issued by the government, all set to become the single source as proof of identity and residence in India, the state government has begun a pilot project in some areas of the city and suburbs as a prelude to a massive exercise scheduled over the next five months. Food & civil supplies department officials have stepped up efforts to reach out to all residents as per...

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Rural reforms : The lessons for India to be learnt from China by Saurav Singh

India and China Two largest populated countries of the world and next door neighbors; though greatly different in their cultures, lifestyles and most important pace of growth. Maintaining an edge over India in the manufacturing sector and urban infrastructure development, China is also not lagging behind in the rural development sector. China feeds 21% of the world population with only 9% of the world arable land. The 2nd largest populated country has to...

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