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India home to 1 in 3 of the world's poor in 2011

-The Business Standard World Bank-IMF study, however, says pace of reduction in absolute poverty has been substantial; report stresses skills training for youth India was home to about a third of the world's poor in 2011, according to a progress report on various social indicators from the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), issued on Wednesday. In other words, the highest number of the poor lived in India in...

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Still parched

-The Indian Express The four-month monsoon season ended last week leaving a deficit of 12 per cent. The authorities have called it a below-normal monsoon and the worst in the past five years, but skim the data and the picture seems even more sobering. Nearly one-third of the 36 met divisions in the country have received deficient rainfall, with Haryana, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh - which are major agriculture regions -...

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How Women Pay the Price for Population Control -Ruhi Kandhari

-Tehelka Despite the serious toll it takes on women's health, female sterilisation remains the most prevalent form of contraception in India. While memories of the 21 months of Emergency in 1975-77, imposed by the then prime minister Indira Gandhi, survives even today in the minds of Indian men as the fear of forced sterilisation, the country's population control policies have shifted over the years since then to target the politically less...

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Don’t blame MSP for inflation -Amartya Lahiri

-The Indian Express Ill-thought-out assertions about the efficacy of monetary policy can unhinge private expectations of inflation. The Indian Express recently published two articles by Surjit S. Bhalla on the subject of inflation in India (‘Where monetary policy is irrelevant', September 13 and ‘RBI, we have a problem', September 20). Bhalla's central thesis is that inflation in India is primarily driven by changes in the minimum support prices (MSP) for agricultural goods....

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Gruelling gram -GVR Subba Rao

-The Hindu With no takers for their produce, bengal gram farmers are caught between losses and auction notices issued by banks for loan recovery VIJAYAWADA (Andhra Pradesh): The cold storages in Andhra Pradesh are full to the BRIm with bengal gram stocks, with the farmers finding no takers for the produce. Close to 17.23 lakh quintals of bengal gram, mostly Kabul variety, is lying in cold storages as there is no remunerative...

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