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MGNREGA status report | In the shadow of Maoism by Liz Mathew

Madvi Madka owns 4ha of land in Chingavaram in the Sukum block in central India. The district in which the block is located has become infamous after 6 April, killing of 76 policemen by the Maoists. This is the ground zero of the war between the Indian state and the Maoists, and Madka, who owns 4ha of land—often left fallow because there wasn’t enough water for irrigation—here used to make...

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Public-Private-Panchayat Partnership for inclusive growth by Harsh Singh

India grapples with endemic backwardness in over 200 districts while some sectors and sections make global headlines. The Centre on Market Solutions to Poverty's report, Creating Vibrant Public-Private-Panchayat Partnerships for Inclusive Growth through Inclusive Governance explores this paradox by looking at the ground-level realities in local governance through the Panchayati Raj, the issues of agricultural productivity and value addition, and the role that the business sector could play in rural...

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Taste of things to come by Sujata Kelkar Shetty

Food security is currently being much discussed in the context of the proposed National Food Security Bill. Food security is the consistent access to safe, sufficient and nutritious food so that the basic dietary needs are met to ensure an individual can lead a healthy life. Food activists justifiably argue that the proposed 25 kg rice per person per month is insufficient and that it be given only to families...

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Mortal Melting Pots by Debarshi Dasgupta

Around two decades ago, Lawrence Summers, then World Bank chief economist, outraged many when he argued in an internal memo that the economic logic behind dumping toxic waste in low-wage countries was “impeccable”. His rationale: less developed countries are “under-polluted” and that “foregone earnings from increased morbidity and mortality” would be lesser in countries with lower wages. Cut to now and the thing to ask is: does India too believe...

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NABARD loan for building classrooms

PUDUCHERRY: The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development has agreed to extend loan to the territorial administration for constructing additional classrooms and laboratories in government schools. In the near future, 559 classrooms would be constructed in the Union Territory, Chief Minister V. Vaithilingam told the Assembly on Thursday. Replying to the debate on the demands for grants to School Education, the Chief Minister said the bank had consented to extend a...

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