-The Hindu Business Line New Delhi: NDTV on Monday said that it has filed a writ petition in the Supreme Court challenging a government order, which has directed its Hindi Channel NDTV India to go off-air for a day. In a BSE filing, the company said that it has filed a writ petition before the Supreme Court, “ inter-alia challenging the constitutional validity of the said order and the provisions of law...
After Sikkim, Kerala, Himachal, These 4 States To Be Open Defecation Free
-NDTV New Delhi: Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation (MDWS) on Friday said that three states had become Open Defecation Free (ODF) while four more state were expected to achieve the status by March next year. Parameswaran Iyer, Secretary for MDWS, said: “After Sikkim became the first state, Himachal Pradesh and Kerala were declared ODF states recently. We are anticipating four more states — Haryana, Uttarakhand, Gujarat and Punjab to achieve the...
More »Drought In Kerala: Reservoirs Half Empty, Deficit Rainfall -Sneha Mary Koshy
-NDTV In Wayanad, many farmers have started using sprinklers to irrigate his crops. Paddy cultivator KP John said he has been forced to adopt it due to scarcity of water for irrigation. State Revenue Minister E Chandrasekharan declared Kerala a drought hit state on Monday in the Assembly. Most of the water reservoirs across the state have recorded a water deficit of 50 per cent. The South West monsoon has been deficit...
More »Automation Threatens 69 Per Cent Jobs In India: World Bank
-PTI Washington: Automation threatens 69 per cent of the jobs in India, while 77 per cent in China, according to a World Bank research which has said that technology could fundamentally disrupt the pattern of traditional economic path in developing countries. "As we continue to encourage more investment in infrastructure to promote growth, we also have to think about the kinds of infrastructure that countries will need in the economy of the...
More »Sikkim is India's cleanest state, Jharkhand comes last in Swachhta Survey
-NDTV Sikkim, the small north eastern hill state, is the cleanest in India, with Kerala coming in a close second, according to a Swachhta (cleanliness) survey conducted by the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) on the condition of sanitation in rural areas of 26 states. Chhattisgarh and neighbouring Jharkhand placed last in the survey, which was carried out last year. “A survey on Swachhta status was conducted by NSSO during May-June 2015 covering...
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