The Delhi police have obtained a compact disc purportedly containing a fabricated telephone conversation between the former Law Minister and co-chairman of the joint committee to draft the Lokpal Bill, Shanti Bhushan, and Samajwadi Party chief Mulayam Singh and the former SP general secretary, Amar Singh. It has been sent for forensic examination. The police, who had planned to approach The Indian Express to get the CD, got a copy...
Petition against Lokpal Bill panel by J Venkatesan
Even as senior advocate Shanti Bhushan moved the Supreme Court on Monday for initiating contempt proceedings against the former Samajwadi Party leader, Amar Singh, on the CD issue, a counter petition has been filed to open contempt action against Mr. Shanti Bhushan and his son Prashant Bhushan. The petition, filed by advocate M.L. Sharma, also questioned the Lokpal Bill drafting committee, of which both are members. He said the panel comprising...
More »CD forgery will boomerang on perpetrators: Nitish by Shoumojit Banerjee
Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar has come out in support of the former Law Minister and co-chairman of the Lokpal Bill drafting committee, Shanti Bhushan, and his advocate-son Prashant Bhushan, saying their integrity is “absolutely beyond doubt.” On Monday, Mr. Kumar said the case of the surreptitious compact disc, which allegedly contains a conversation between Mr. Shanti Bhushan, the former Samajwadi Party general secretary, Amar Singh, and the former Uttar Pradesh...
More »Bhushan CD tamper finger at govt
Anna Hazare’s group today released purported evidence that the audio CD implicating Shanti Bhushan and his son Prashant was doctored, alleged government involvement and threatened to move the Supreme Court. The development threatens a fresh standoff between the Centre and the civil society members of the Lok Pal Bill drafting committee, which includes both the Bhushans. Prashant and fellow panel member Arvind Kejriwal said they had got the CD examined by two...
More »CD is doctored: Prashant Bhushan by Gargi Parsai
“There is a clear conspiracy on the part of some people which appears to have the blessings of many powerful people in the country” Barely a day after the first meeting of the joint drafting committee on the Lokpal Bill, the process has come under stress with the civil society members on the panel alleging a “clear conspiracy” to not only derail the anti-corruption movement but also to subvert the...
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