Total Matching Records found : 5351

Govt. restricts newspaper subscription-Shiv Sahay Singh

A directive by the West Bengal Government to State libraries and those sponsored by it to subscribe only to newspapers specified by it has raised the hackles of the Left parties as well as CERTain civic rights activists. A circular issued by a Special Secretary of the Government directs the libraries to purchase only eight newspapers as specified by it. It provides the names of five Bengali newspapers, two Urdu and...

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Where are farm hands when you need them? by Devinder Sharma

MGNREGA is CERTainly a good idea. But it can’t be allowed to play havoc with farming operations by weaning away labourers during peak season RURAL DEVELOPMENT Minister Jairam Ramesh recently rubbished the need for freezing the flagship rural job scheme MGNREGA during peak agricultural season. Dismissing the possibility, Ramesh had said: “The matter has been examined by the Mihir Shah Committee and rejected.” Knowing that Mihir Shah’s entry into Planning Commission...

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More Benefit than Cost-Alaka M Basu

  For women, the NREGA would bring important social gains   Not being an expert on the subject and too lazy to read all the fine print, I do not know the exact allocations under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act this year. But I gather the money has been cut down, largely because the sums allocated last year were not fully used by most states. Maybe there were other considerations...

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Waiver of land revenue collection a breather for drought-hit farmers

-The Hindu Repayment of all cooperative crop loans to be staggered The State government on Tuesday announced in the Legislative Assembly that there would be waiver of land revenue collection in all the 123 drought-hit taluks encompassing 24 districts of the State, with immediate effect. Chief Minister D.V. Sadananda Gowda, replying to a discussion (initially sought to be taken up as an adjournment motion) on the drought which was brought on by deficient...

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Poverty line: Usefulness of poverty data-S Mahendra Dev

The purpose of this piece is not to defend the Planning Commission on poverty figures but to indicate that the methodologies have evolved over time after considerable research and they are useful for policy purposes if not for linking with entitlement programmes (some of us have written earlier that the poor and vulnerable are more numerous than the commission's poverty figures and these should be delinked from entitlement programmes).  The commission...

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