-The Times of India Chief minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy on Sunday said farmer welfare topped the government's list of priorities and that agriculture would undoubtedly be given maximum impetus. Talking to officials about his government's newest initiatives on the eve of the state-level bankers' committee meeting at his camp office, the CM urged them to ensure that all welfare measures for farmers are implemented in a transparent manner. He made it...
New green revolution: Producer companies help farmers reap profits by Nidhi Nath Srinivas
Farmers are joining India Inc in mind, body and spirit. In a quiet revolution underway across the countryside, growers are setting up companies, replete with balance sheets, professional CEOs, board of directors, and income tax returns. By pooling together the land and produce of their shareholders, these companies are signing lucrative deals with large retail chains, food companies and exporters keen to establish reliable supply chains. As many as 200 companies...
More »Pranab claim specious, short on facts: CPI (M)
-The Hindu The Communist Party of India (Marxist) on Thursday refuted the “specious explanations” on inflation given by Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee saying his statement hid the government's failure to check price rise. Reacting to his November 22 suo motu statement in Parliament, the CPI(M) Polit Bureau said: “It is nothing but an exercise in deception to conceal the utter failure of the UPA government in checking the relentless price rise.” While referring...
More »‘Rural wages scheme, Food Security Bill can stoke inflation’
-The Indian Express Reserve Bank of India Governor D Subbarao on Tuesday cautioned that policies — the significant increase in rural wages triggered by the MGNREGS and inflationary implications of the proposed Food Security Bill — aimed at inclusive growth can stoke inflationary pressures at any rate in the short-term. “The need for making growth inclusive is incontestable, but it is important to recognise that policies aimed at inclusion can stoke inflationary...
More »The environmental cost of diesel subsidy by Sunita Narain
Consider this. Every time petrol prices rise, oil companies end up losing more money. How? The price differential between petrol and diesel increases further; people start buying diesel-powered vehicles so oil firms bleed more. Even worse, we all bleed because dieselisation adds to toxic pollution in our cities. This, in turn, adds to the health burden and costs. This is all very well accepted. Yet, nobody has done anything to fix...
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