The liquor baron and Rajya Sabha member from the state, Vijay Mallya, on Tuesday came out in support of tribals in Biligiri Ranga Hills who are in danger of being displaced due to the plan to declare the area as a tiger reserve. Speaking on the sidelines of the International Film Festival of India, in Panaji, he said that the tribals were guarding the tigers from poaching and other dangers. “If...
Future of mining in India by Rajiv Kumar
There is clearly a direct trade-off between exploitation of natural resources and conservation of environment and human habitat . In the past, due to lower environment consciousness, the trade-off was always decided in favour of exploitation. This is deplorable. Yet, environmental fundamentalism can also exact a high cost that will prevent a number of people to remain without access to basic necessities of life. This apparently intractable trade-off has to be resolved....
More »Lethal impact by R Krishnakumar
The issues relating to the victims of endosulfan, sprayed in the plantations of Kasargod district in Kerala, have snowballed once again. “Earthworms emerged from the soil, and, subsequently, died. Then birds came to eat the earthworms and they died as well.” “Some termites were killed in a cotton farm sprayed with endosulfan. A frog fed on the dead termites, and was immobilised a few minutes later. An owl which flew over...
More »Climate change conference begins today in Cancun by Meena Menon
Focus may be on forestry issues and reducing emissions from deforestation This beach resort, swarming with tourists and sports utility vehicles and having opulent hotels and evident unsustainability, may not be the ideal place for a climate change conference but the real issues of climate change are too critical not to be debated anywhere. The United Nations Climate Change Conference that gets under way here on Monday may not result in much...
More »Jindal steel plant in Orissa gets green notice
The Environment Ministry on Friday issued a show cause notice for revoking environment clearance to Jindal steel and power plant in Angul in Orissa for violating green laws. The Ministry issued the notice under Section 5 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, for revocation of environmental clearance in view of Jindal not obeying its conditions. The Ministry, while giving environmental clearance to the 6 million tonnes per annum (MMTA) integrated steel...
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