-The Indian Express It requires a far wider spectrum of interventions than mere clinical management. The latest edition of the Global Nutrition Report 2015 by the International Food Policy Research Institute, released on Tuesday, brings back the concerns over malnutrition into sharp focus. In July, the government of India, after much avoidable controversy, released malnutrition (used synonymously as undernutrition) figures from the Rapid Survey on Children (RSoC) data that was collected...
66% drop in funds in 3 years has crippled war on dengue -Subodh Varma
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The war against dengue and other deadly mosquito-borne diseases such as malaria and chikungunya appears to have been lost in Delhi. While the focus has been on the paucity of hospital beds for dengue patients, no one is asking the real question: what has been done to prevent the outbreak of vector-borne diseases, year after year? Why have things come to this pass? Far from girding...
More »Advance estimates peg this year’s kharif yield at less than that of 2014-15
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Hit by drought in two consecutive years due to deficit Monsoon, India's food-grain production is likely to decline this year. The government's first 'advance estimates', released on Wednesday, put the total Kharif (summer) foodgrain production for 2015-16 at 124.05 million tonnes (MT) which is 2.26 MT less than the 'actual' Kharif output of 2014-15. If one takes into account only 'first advance estimates' of Kharif foodgrain...
More »The dumbing down of data -Vikas Kumar
-The Hoot The media coverage of the Census data on religion focused on the timing of its release and the politically controversial aspects. Many deeper and more complex layers were totally ignored. VIKAS KUMAR analyses the coverage in painstaking detail to see why journalists handledthe data so superficially Census data on religion collected in February-March 2011 was belatedly released on August 25, 2015. This analysis of how the media covered the release and...
More »Cabinet approves additional 50 days of work for rural households in drought-hit areas -Vishwa Mohan
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: With India's 40% of the area facing drought situation due to deficient Monsoon rainfall, the government on Wednesday approved additional 50 days of employment over and above 100 days per household per year under the MGNREGA in drought affected areas. The move to increase the days of employment from 100 days to 150 days was approved by the Union Cabinet, which met under Prime Minister Narendra...
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