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Demonetization: Witless and Anti-People -Prabhat Patnaik NEW DELHI: Narendra Modi went on national television at 8 p.m. on November 8 to announce that from midnight of that very date, i.e. in a mere four hours’ time, 500 and 1000 rupee notes would cease to be legal-tender. The justification advanced for this bizarre move was that it would strike at “black money”. An additional argument was thrown in, to the effect that fake currency notes used by “terrorists”...

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Cutting the jargon: Here's a website that translates Indian laws into simple English -Aarefa Johari Built on the Wikipedia model and launched on November 3, Nyaaya also has guides for crime victims and accused. India has more than a thousand central laws, a larger number of state laws and a criminal justice system so complex, most of the population struggles to navigate it. A year ago, Delhi-based lawyer Srijoni Sen decided to make this system a little easier for the masses, one step at a time....

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Why Delhi smog is a call to address India?s farm crisis -Roshan Kishore India’s farm crisis requires a well-crafted strategy, not knee-jerk reactions or quick-fix solutions As Delhi chokes on smog, the spotlight has once again been put on the farmers of the neighbouring states of Punjab and Haryana and their practice of burning farm stubble during the post-harvest season. Faced with the prospect of employing scarce and costly labour to dispose the stubble, or purchasing an expensive machine to do the same job, or...

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Right to skip information meet -Anita Joshua

-The Telegraph New Delhi: Last year, the invitation card was printed thrice - FIRst with the Prime Minister's name, next without his name and finally with his name. This time, the organisers have been spared the agony of uncertainty: the card has been printed without the Prime Minister's name. Narendra Modi will be skipping the Central Information Commission's annual convention for the FIRst time since the Right to Information Act was enacted in...

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Around 900 farmer suicides in drought-hit Marathwada this year -Manoj Dattatrye More

-The Indian Express Compare this with 2013 and 2014, when a total of 600 suicides were reported in Marathwada. And between 2006 and 2012, less than 400 farmer suicides were reported on a yearly basis. Beed/ Latur: Around 900 farmer suicides were reported in the eight districts of Marathwada region between January and October this year. During the same period last year, 700 farmer suicides were reported, according to officials at the...

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