Farmana, a village in Haryana chief minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda's home district Rohtak, boasts of the cleanest toilets but its social indicators still reflect Haryana's feudal mindset. Its sex ratio is far below the state average. A Nirmal Gram awardee for "total sanitation programme", and also holder of the Adarsh Gram status, Farmana has a sex ratio of 648 girls to 1,000 boys — one of the low sex ratios in...
Employment generation and Agriculture Sector should be given top importance: ILC recommends
The two day 43rd Session of the Indian Labour Conference (ILC), the apex national tripartite body that discusses key issues affecting labour and employment and provides policy perspectives and recommendations, concluded in New Delhi today. The Conference was inaugurated by Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh on Tuesday 23rd November 2010. Senior level representatives of the three pillars of the tripartism, Trade Unions, Employers’ Associations and Government, participated in the deliberations...
More »Centre agrees to high-level monitoring panel in Chhattisgarh case by J Venkatesan
“Schools and hostels now being occupied by security forces must be vacated” Supreme Court orders police protection to one of the petitioners With the petitioners in the ongoing PIL case on Salwa Judum asking for the formation of a high-level committee to oversee the rehabilitation of displaced persons in Chhattisgarh and deal with criminal matters arising from the activities of the state-sponsored anti-Naxal movement, the Centre, through the Solicitor-General, on Thursday told...
More »Hunger alarm by TK Rajalakshmi
The Global Hunger Index report paints a gloomy picture of South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. WITH the deadline for achieving the Millennium Development Goals just five years away, the 2010 Global Hunger Index report prepared by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) paints a gloomy picture of South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. Some 29 countries in these regions, it says, have levels of hunger that are alarming or extremely alarming....
More »Nod for cash scheme for pregnant women, lactating mothers by Aarti Dhar
To be implemented in 52 districts Cash incentives to be based on certain conditions The scheme will be implemented through ICDS NEW DELHI: To improve maternal and child health, the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs on Wednesday approved the Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahyog Yojana (IGMSY) — a monetary scheme for pregnant women and lactating mothers — on a pilot basis in 52 districts in this Five-Year Plan. Each pregnant and lactating woman will receive...
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