-The Hindu High-powered committees to be set up in all taluks The State Government has decided to constitute high-powered committees in all taluks to check the eligibility of people selected under various Rural Housing schemes and also to select the beneficiaries if gram sabhas fail to do so within the stipulated time. The decision to constitute the committee comes in the wake of large-scale complaints about irregularities in the selection of beneficiaries under...
Is the majority of India veg or non-veg? Well, contrary to impression, the land of Gandhi and Buddha is predominantly non-veg. It may well have been majority vegetarian country at some point of time but the new trend is that more and more people are taking to non-vegetarian diets. A new policy paper, “Veg or Non-Veg? India at the Crossroads,” published by Brighter Green, a New York-based public policy action...
More »How to usher in vaccinnovation in India by MK Bhan
-The Economic Times Vaccines are a true gift of science to humanity. In developing countries, prevention is better than cure. Vaccines have a great track record of safety and efficacy and they are amongst the most cost-effective products, which even the poor have access to due to effective systems of procurement and delivery. India's contribution in the vaccine arena is noteworthy. The primary reason behind the country's vaccine success story is...
More »Jairam urges Manmohan to give highest priority to sanitation by K Balchand
Calling for urgent measures to provide sanitation facility across the country, Union Minister of Rural Development Jairam Ramesh has pointed to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh that in addition to malnutrition another distressing national shame which India can't live with is open defecation. Mr. Ramesh, who also controls the Department of Drinking Water Supply which implements sanitation programme, has written a letter to the Prime Minister urging him to change the government's...
More »Jairam Ramesh promises succour to poor, single women by K Balchand
-The Hindu Despite low literacy rates, most of the low-income single women in the country are not dependent on their families but run their households on their own, according to the findings of a study released by Union Minister for Rural Development Jairam Ramesh. However, since the government does not consider them so, they are neglected and forced to survive on less than the prescribed minimum wage. Mr. Ramesh released the study...
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