Although social activists and concerned economists demanded at least Rs. 1 lakh crore to be earmarked in favour of the Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS), the Finance Minister in her budget speech on 1st February allocated only Rs.61,500 crore to it for the financial year 2020-21. As compared to the fund spent on MGNREGA in 2019-20 (i.e. revised estimate of Rs.71,001.81 crore), the amount set aside for the...
Reset rural job policies, recognise women’s work -Madhura Swaminathan
-The Hindu As India emerges from the lockdown, labour market policy has to reverse the pandemic’s gender-differentiated impact The COVID-19 pandemic has had a huge impact on women’s work, but as official statistics do not capture women’s work adequately and accurately, little attention has been paid to the consequences of the pandemic for women workers and to the design of specific policies and programmes to assist them. A survey by the Azim Premji...
More »Nikhil Dey, social activist and founding member of Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan, interviewed by Civil Society News (
-Civil Society News As people pour into villages from cities in a desperate effort to get back home, the only work they can hope to get is under MGNREGA (Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act). The rural employment scheme was designed to help people in distressful situations like a flood or drought so that they had something to fall back on when there was nothing else. Will it be able to...
More »Jean Drèze, development economist and social activist, interviewed by Shreehari Paliath ( Bengaluru: Global economic output is expected to contract by 4.9% in 2020 owing to the COVID-19 lockdown. India announced a lockdown on March 24, 2020, which was extended over two months, and continues in pockets of states depending on the spread of the disease, which has now infected more than half a million people in the country. The lockdown impacted millions of inter-state migrant workers who form the bulwark of India’s...
More »Of UP govt’s 1.25 crore jobs, over 1 crore went to MGNREGA and MSME sectors -Maulshree Seth
-The Indian Express Nearly 5 lakh workers have been given employment under self-help groups (SHGs), which includes a large number of women workers. Lucknow: Of the 1.25 crore jobs allocated by the Uttar Pradesh government in a single day under different schemes and programmes, approximately 60 lakh jobs have been provided under the Rural Development Panchayati Raj Department, majority of which are under MGNREGA, and another nearly 50 lakh in MSME units...
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